Dental Implants

What is a dental implant?

Dental implants are permanent implants for missing teeth. They consist of three parts:

A titanium post that is inserted into your jawbone

A titanium abutment that is screwed into the post

A porcelain crown customized to fit your smile

These implants are strong and permanent. They blend in naturally with your teeth so you can smile confidently.

What are the benefits of a dental implant?

Dental implants have huge benefits for people who are missing a tooth or multiple teeth, including:

Improving your ability to chew

Increasing your ability to speak clearly

Enhancing your smile to look complete and natural

Preventing a sunken, older appearance that missing teeth can cause

Learn more about how a dental implant can improve your life. Call Dr. Lombardi Dental today to get dental implants in Sharpsville, PA, or you can also schedule an appointment online. We also serve nearby areas such as New Castle PA, Neshannock PA, Howland OH, Canfield OH Sharon PA, Hermitage PA, West Middlesex PA, Farrell PA, Greenville PA, Brookfield OH, Hubbard OH, Niles OH, Youngstown OH, Boardman OH and the rest of the Shenango Valley and Mahoning Valley.

What Makes a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

If you are interested in implants to replace a missing or lost tooth, Dr. Lombardi will perform a thorough evaluation to determine if your health is conducive to this type of restoration. Healthy gums and good jawbone density are essential to support the implants. You must also be meticulous about regular dental visits and maintaining your dental hygiene. There’s a higher risk with implants for those who suffer from diabetes, as this can interfere with healing. Although smoking poses an additional surgical risk, it does not preclude smokers from receiving implants. Smokers may be at greater risk for gum disease than non-smokers, and gum disease can weaken the gum and bone tissue needed to support implants

What are 3-on-6 Full Mouth Implants?

3-on-6 full mouth implants are an innovative dental procedure designed to restore an entire arch of teeth using only 6 dental implants. This technique ensures maximum stability and support for a fixed set of prosthetic teeth. Whether you're struggling with extensive tooth loss, deteriorating oral health, or uncomfortable dentures, 3-on-6 implants can be the solution you've been seeking.
Are you looking to regain your confident smile and enhance your quality of life? At Lombardi Dental, we specialize in transforming smiles through advanced dental implant solutions. Our 3-on-6 full mouth implants offer a revolutionary approach to restoring your teeth, providing both functional and aesthetic benefits.

Why Choose 3 on 6 Full Mouth Implants?

Enhanced Stability: With just six implants, this procedure provides exceptional stability for your new teeth, allowing you to enjoy a wide range of foods and engage in daily activities without worry.

Natural Aesthetics: Our team of dental professionals meticulously craft your prosthetic teeth to match your natural features, ensuring a beautiful and harmonious smile that boosts your confidence.

Improved Oral Health: Dental implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and maintaining facial structure. This support also promotes long-term oral health and overall well-being.

Time Efficiency: Compared to traditional implant methods, the 3 on 6 technique can reduce the overall treatment time, helping you achieve your desired results sooner.